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I attended the Signature Verification and Counterfeit Detection Seminar at DBP - Davao last Saturday & Sunday. I was looking forward to this event, not because of the seminar per se. I was thinking it was a good opportunity to be with Boboy all by myself. I was looking forward to evening dates and longer bonding moments. We haven't really gone out for awhile except during times when we buy groceries and visit Kidapawan. So the thought of the whole weekend with him was really exciting.

But it didn't work out the way I thought it would. We didn't get to be together on Friday when I arrived, except for a very very quick lunch. He had to go out to meet his boss and I had my appointments too. We parted ways without so much of a kiss. I went around Davao all by myself. I met Ms. Lace at Forever Living office, listened to the business presentation for an hour, had pasta with her in a cafe at Robinsons, and then took the jeepney going to Casa Leticia where we were booked.

After I checked in, I went to SM and waited for Boboy. Unfortunately, he had so much paperworks to do. He told me, he'll meet me for dinner and then go back to the office to finish up his reports. It was almost 8pm and I was hungry. I told him it was impractical for him to travel to SM for dinner and then go back again to Ulas for work. So I decided that we would just meet up the following night. I knew he was relieved with what I told him. We've been married for two years and I am confident I know him better now. He was willing to sacrifice his strength and his time just to please me. I wish I have realized that sooner. ;-)

The next day, the seminar lasted until 6PM. I didn't get my hopes up too high because I thought Boboy would be up til the wee hours doing his reports again. So I texted some friends (ate sheila and steven) for a meet up. Ate Shei didn't had the time. Fortunately, Steve and Jackie were free so my night was sure to be occupied, I thought to myself. Then Boboy called and told me he was about to log off from work. I was very happy! Finally, a night out with my husband!

I met him, Steve and Jackie at NCCC Mall. It was a double date! I was sooo sad I didn't bring my camera. darn!... We had a great time catching up on several things over Penong's famous menu. As usual, Steve paid for our bill. He always does that everytime. Boboy discreetly told me, we should pay the next time because it was already so awkward to let Steve pay all the time. I couldn't agree more on what he said. ;-)

We all agreed to go videokeing... Jackie suggested Jack's Ridge Piano Bar...And so, off we went to the high lands of Davao City.

It was still early and we were the bar's first guests... But it wasn't until some more customers went in that we started to belt out our hidden golden voices! *winks! The singing went well, except that we really felt second only to the singers of the other table. They sang accompanied by the piano instead of the videoke. They have such great voices that we jokingly teased each other about going home and hiding under the tables.

It wasn't until our last and final moment that I gathered the courage to ask the pianist to play along with me. I chose a very safe song. That one by the Carpenters entitled, I won't last a day without you. At first, I chose it because it was a safe song. One I can easily sing along with the piano. But when I started out singing the lyrics, I realized that the song was very profound and I couldn't help but sing it with feelings. As I mouthed each word, I looked at Boboy who was smiling from his seat. I remember those times when I was pregnant and we didn't have enough money to buy our groceries and even for fare... those times when our bills were piling up and I would cry every night. I never heard him blame me for all my shortcomings. Instead, he comforted me and made me feel that I was still so blessed despite having so little. I find it hard to understand how he was capable of being so positive under our circumstance when he grew up to have so much of everything. All the sacrifices he had to make for our family came rushing back to me and I just felt so loved by him. So, as the song drew to a close, I realized then and there that indeed, I can take all the madness the world has to give, but I won't last a day, without him.

I love you so much, Beh. *hugs hugs hugs*

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general santos
i'm just me. simple yet unique me.

writing has always been my passion. this is how i express myself. this is the best way i can express myself. hope you'll have a good read and in the process,get even just a small glimpse of ME. thanks for dropping by. - yeng

Yobz Duka

Yobz Duka
... the love of my life... the one i love for eternity...

Quotable Quote

Leave some room for SERENDIPITY in your life.
The world is full of things You and I haven't dreamt of.

Waiting All My Life

Rascal Flatts - Waiting All My Life .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

My Wish

Rascal Flatts - My Wish .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine


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