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... that's my husband, alright. I know I have mentioned him quite a lot in my previous blogs. Goodness, I even posted his photo in this webpage! (lol!) This morning, on my way to work, he crossed my mind (again. as always. *sigh). First, I wondered what he was doing at that very moment. Maybe he was already hard at work, as he always does on a Monday morning (and for the rest of the week, as I may add). Then, my mind just went further and I thought about how I wish I have known him my entire life. You know, knowing him since childhood. Maybe being playmates, neighbors, schoolmates, etc.

I couldn't stop smiling when I remembered one story his sister told me. He was about 6 or 7 (if I remember it right, that is) when he took a hundred from papa's wallet without permission and bought food with it from the school canteen. The school canteen custodian was surprised to see him with such a big amount so papa's attention was called and it earned Boboy a good spanking. And then there was another instance when he (again) took a 20 peso bill from papa's wallet to buy a box of spiders. Papa caught him again and aside from being spanked, he was told his arms would be cut off if he'd ever do it again. In my mind, I picture this little boy, his chinky eyes glowing with combined mischief and innocence. Carefree and surrounded with people who love him. How I wish I have seen him then. Be a part of his childhood years. Then, I wondered (and still am wondering), if so, would I have made a difference in his life? ....

More childhood and adolescent stories came flooding. There was a story of him running into a barbed wire fence from which he got his upper lip stitched. That one when he got one of his eye infected and the doctor had to cover both eyes for more than a couple of weeks. His love for bonsai making. His learning to drive on his own. His love for dancing. His first girlfriend. His first broken heart. And more...

When I first met him, I didn't find him particularly interesting because he wasn't my usual guy (not the pa-cute kind of thing, is what i really mean). After Marlon introduced us to each other, he just sat there beside me so totally engrossed with his boy talk that I found it so ungentlemanly. How dare he totally ignored me in the conversation?! But I didn't give it much thought then. I wasn't interested in guys with glasses and those who had life so easy for them. That was what I thought of him. I know exactly how we got to know each other better but let me not elaborate it here because it is going to be a long story (which I have told all my friends and family over and over again...). Then we got into "the" relationship. And that's when I really started to fall inlove with him. It was a novelty for me going into a commitment without feeling that head-over-heels emotion. But that was what exactly happened to me. And I am really thankful it did. Every day I discover little things about him that make me love him more. Surprisingly, most of these things were not on my Ideal Man's List of Traits.

Yesterday, he called to tell me he was still in Kidapawan and that he was at a carwash to have papa's car done. I am amazed at his thoughtfulness. One small act that I admire so much. I know that was an instinct for him. With Boboy, you don't need to tell him what to do. He just does it. That's one thing I observed about him. One of the many reasons I keep falling inlove with him.

As the PUV neared where I usually get off, I thanked God for him and his colorful life experiences which I know contributed so much for who he has become at this moment. I also thank God for this opportunity to be a part of him now and in the future. I pray that I have and would be able to play the part I have been gifted with for him to have a fulfilling and happy life.

I know I have told you this more than many times, Beh. But I will never tire of telling you this. I love you so much. You are my life. - June 27, 2011

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general santos
i'm just me. simple yet unique me.

writing has always been my passion. this is how i express myself. this is the best way i can express myself. hope you'll have a good read and in the process,get even just a small glimpse of ME. thanks for dropping by. - yeng

Yobz Duka

Yobz Duka
... the love of my life... the one i love for eternity...

Quotable Quote

Leave some room for SERENDIPITY in your life.
The world is full of things You and I haven't dreamt of.

Waiting All My Life

Rascal Flatts - Waiting All My Life .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

My Wish

Rascal Flatts - My Wish .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine


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