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While going over my old files which were saved in a case of CDs, I came across a word document file with the above title. As I double clicked it, I couldn't help but smile remembering the times I wrote this certain article. The entries here were written on different dates. I remember writing each entry when I felt like it, when my passion for writing struck me (which was frequent during those gone by years).

I decided to have it published here because I don't want to lose this "masterpiec
e" (as I want to regard it). This had been written not only with my hands but with my heart and soul (dramatic!).

P.S. Pictures attached! ;)


Age: 56 years old
Profession: Father (to us) & Husband (to nanay)
Hometown: Inopacan, Leyte
Status: Married (to my mother)

Describe Him:
Tatay is a great cook. He has his ways with animals and children and people. I am his fave. J He rarely gets mad, but when he does, I wouldn’t dare cross his path. He could stay calm in worst situations and could be as stubborn as a bull. He is the best horseman I’ve ever met and my brother and I consider him a horse-whisperer.

There is no other man I would love more than I love tatay. Nor can there be any man who could greatly influence my life as much as he did and still does. Tatay is not perfect. Human as he is, he has his own flaws and mistakes. But despite all that, for me, he will forever be my hero, strength, and life. No man can ever love me the way he does. His love has shone all throughout my life, from childhood until now. In his own ways, he showed me what true loving is all about. The way he provided our needs. The way he loves nanay. The way he takes care of us all. The way he cooks our favorite dishes, the way he repaired broken things, the times he kissed scraped knees, the times he hugged away painful experiences and kissed away tears of frustrations and broken hearts, and the way he built my playhouse when I was a kid are just few of the things that I will treasure in my heart. Yes, no man could ever take his place in my heart. No man. I will forever love you, Tatay. - September 2005


Age: 18 years old
Relationship: Younger Brothers

Describe Them:
I call them “Bibi”(my own version of Baby). They are loving, athletic, and the best basketball players in the whole universe. They could sing too. (Talented mana sa ate.) J They love MEYAWT, our pet cat. Pinaka-pogi sila for me.

My two poging “bibis” are the best brothers one could ever have. I’ve seen them grow from cute naughty toddlers to loving and handsome gentlemen. I was their babysitter back when they were kids. There was nobody else who could make them get their afternoon nap aside from me. I was like their “terror” yaya. But over the years, I have developed this really strong bond with them and a tight hug and a sound kiss on my cheeks from these two tall and lanky boys could wipe my irritation and anger away.

One of the most unforgettable moments I had with them was that time they joined a Band Competition in town. There were about 20 plus group contestants and each band were to play three songs. They were the 14th performer. Imagine the whole family stayed up till the wee hours just to hear and see them perform a Parokya ni Edgar song. It was annoying to wait that long especially since I couldn’t stand the music some bands played. It seemed like they were just shouting at the top of their lungs…. But the wait was worth it. When it was the twins’ turn on stage, I turned into a school girl playing jumping jack. I was clapping, cheering, jumping, and shouting all at same time. They were great and they bagged 7th place. Not bad for first-timers. -september 2005

23 years old
ounger Brother
Describe Him:
Intelligent… endangered male-specie.

It was a tight hug and I felt ready to burst into tears. I hastily pulled away and managed to give him a bright smile as I whispered “take care”, before I turned away and climbed into the passenger jeepney. It was the last time I saw his face and it will be a year more before I would lay my eyes on him again.

My brother Aris was born two years my junior. He is an Agribusiness Management graduate and has the knack in cooking great recipes and being funny. He dreams to own a ranch, plant vegetables and raise livestock & poultry. He believes that the only solution to the country’s economic crisis is getting right back to the basic which is agriculture. And he is now on his 1st year of being a novice at the Blessed Sacrament Seminary House in Bulacan.

It was always his dream to be a priest but my mother did not agree with his plans when he told her about it right after his high school graduation. So he studied Agribusiness Management at the State University where he got known because of his great sense of humor, funny antics, and intelligent ideas. It was also in college when he got himself brokenhearted. But maybe, it was God’s way of telling him that he was meant to serve Him because it was in Jesus he found comfort and healing.

In 2004, after twelve months of juggling between job-hunting and serving the youth in our community through the Parish Youth Ministry, he decided to pursue becoming a priest. It was difficult for my parents, specially my mother to see him leave for his first year of postulancy. The first few weeks were sad because we kept thinking how seemingly gloomy the house was without his funny disposition. I got to see him once in awhile because my job allowed me to take the three-hour ride to his seminary, and he was allowed to see visitors. It was during those visits that we got really close to each other. It was during those times when we shared our views, feelings, and plans. It was then when I realized what a waste it was living more than twenty years in the same house with him and not knowing what a treasure he truly is.

Our childhood was filled with quarrels ---not just the petty ones---but the kind that lasted many years of not speaking to each other due to sibling rivalry and pride. As the eldest, I thought then that I had the right to be dominant & bossy & brass. Stubborn & proud as Aris was, he wasn’t the type to bow down to everything I wanted and we were in constant clash with each other. It had caused our mother great heartache to see us that way. Now I realized that I should have known better than to be proud and domineering. I could have earn his respect & trust in a different way.

My mother & I took him to Bulacan for his 2-year novice in May 2005. The last email I got from him was on the following month. The Novice Director says he is doing well in the seminary. He sends text messages once in a while and nothing more. Then on my 26th birthday, he sent me a message which nearly reduced me to tears and at the same time made my heart burst with joy & love… He told me that although we’ve grown apart, deep inside, he does love me and he considers me to be his very first bestfriend…. J - april 2006

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... that's my husband, alright. I know I have mentioned him quite a lot in my previous blogs. Goodness, I even posted his photo in this webpage! (lol!) This morning, on my way to work, he crossed my mind (again. as always. *sigh). First, I wondered what he was doing at that very moment. Maybe he was already hard at work, as he always does on a Monday morning (and for the rest of the week, as I may add). Then, my mind just went further and I thought about how I wish I have known him my entire life. You know, knowing him since childhood. Maybe being playmates, neighbors, schoolmates, etc.

I couldn't stop smiling when I remembered one story his sister told me. He was about 6 or 7 (if I remember it right, that is) when he took a hundred from papa's wallet without permission and bought food with it from the school canteen. The school canteen custodian was surprised to see him with such a big amount so papa's attention was called and it earned Boboy a good spanking. And then there was another instance when he (again) took a 20 peso bill from papa's wallet to buy a box of spiders. Papa caught him again and aside from being spanked, he was told his arms would be cut off if he'd ever do it again. In my mind, I picture this little boy, his chinky eyes glowing with combined mischief and innocence. Carefree and surrounded with people who love him. How I wish I have seen him then. Be a part of his childhood years. Then, I wondered (and still am wondering), if so, would I have made a difference in his life? ....

More childhood and adolescent stories came flooding. There was a story of him running into a barbed wire fence from which he got his upper lip stitched. That one when he got one of his eye infected and the doctor had to cover both eyes for more than a couple of weeks. His love for bonsai making. His learning to drive on his own. His love for dancing. His first girlfriend. His first broken heart. And more...

When I first met him, I didn't find him particularly interesting because he wasn't my usual guy (not the pa-cute kind of thing, is what i really mean). After Marlon introduced us to each other, he just sat there beside me so totally engrossed with his boy talk that I found it so ungentlemanly. How dare he totally ignored me in the conversation?! But I didn't give it much thought then. I wasn't interested in guys with glasses and those who had life so easy for them. That was what I thought of him. I know exactly how we got to know each other better but let me not elaborate it here because it is going to be a long story (which I have told all my friends and family over and over again...). Then we got into "the" relationship. And that's when I really started to fall inlove with him. It was a novelty for me going into a commitment without feeling that head-over-heels emotion. But that was what exactly happened to me. And I am really thankful it did. Every day I discover little things about him that make me love him more. Surprisingly, most of these things were not on my Ideal Man's List of Traits.

Yesterday, he called to tell me he was still in Kidapawan and that he was at a carwash to have papa's car done. I am amazed at his thoughtfulness. One small act that I admire so much. I know that was an instinct for him. With Boboy, you don't need to tell him what to do. He just does it. That's one thing I observed about him. One of the many reasons I keep falling inlove with him.

As the PUV neared where I usually get off, I thanked God for him and his colorful life experiences which I know contributed so much for who he has become at this moment. I also thank God for this opportunity to be a part of him now and in the future. I pray that I have and would be able to play the part I have been gifted with for him to have a fulfilling and happy life.

I know I have told you this more than many times, Beh. But I will never tire of telling you this. I love you so much. You are my life. - June 27, 2011

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Today, my brother Aris' break from the seminary ended. As what had been going on for the last five years, he came and then after three weeks, he leaves. It has become a cycle for the family. But it's quite difficult to explain why I never get used to it. I guess nobody does. Not for my family.

I always feel melodramatic when he leaves. Each year, as I see him hug everyone and say his goodbyes, there's this prick in my heart that never seem to fade away with the years. I wonder why. Maybe it's the loneliness that comes when I get home after work today, knowing that his round happy face wouldn't be there to greet me. The sound of his laughter no longer echoing, and etc.

This time, I couldn't help but think about my own children in the future. When Alee leaves for medical school and Noah goes for his dreams. I wonder if it would be the same pain. The same prick in my heart. The same loneliness. I wonder if I could bear it, just like my parents did.

Leaving is something that I have always viewed as advantageous to the one who's doing it... and a disadvantage to those who are left behind. If you're leaving, you always have something to look forward to. A whole new world to explore. New opportunities to uncover and sail upon. But if you're left behind, you only have memories and wishful thinkings. Sad. But true. - May 23, 2011.

God's Perfect Time

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I have been waiting for that moment for days. Ever since I missed my period on the 13th, I was already feeling anxious. The negative result of the home pregnancy test kit didn't lessen the anxiety a bit. I knew it wasn't assurance enough that my period was just delayed. My periods were always on time. I took another test after three days, still I got a negative result. I said I was gonna give it another shot just to be sure. So the other day, I took another one and there it was... A faint second line. Much like the one I got when I had Alee.

Deep in my heart I felt so sad. Sad because I am not yet ready (again) for this one. Before this, I always thought that our second child would be conceived after all our financial obligations have been paid, our own house built, and our own car bought. He would be made after we have planned out everything. Plus, there's the Veils & Beyond committment with our first ever client. I felt sad because I have to bear my son at this time when I have so many things to do, fulfill, achieve,make, and plan out.

When I conceived Alee, I pretty much had the same anxieties. But everyone around me were so happy and so supportive that all those fears just vanished and I learned to enjoy and love everything about having a baby. Oh yes there were so low and financial ly-drained moments, like that time we didn't even have a peso to buy laundry soap. Or that time when all I had in my wallet was P10.00 for fare. But never once did God not provide for what we need. When Nanay heard about me crying over the laundry soap, she bought a bag of it. When money ran out, something just happened and then we get to earn enough for what we need. So why worry now and risk NOah Cedric feeling unwanted right from the very start?.... When come to think of it, we are so much better now than we used to be.

Even if I gave it my best shot to be very careful, if this is God's perfect time to give us our second child, then it still would happen. Today's bible reflection focuses on Jeremiah 17:5-10 that says:

The Lord says, "I will condemn the person who turns away from me and puts his trust in man, in the strength of mortal man. He is like a bush in the desert, which grows in the dry wasteland, on salty ground where nothing else grows. Nothing good ever happens to him. But I will bless the person who puts his trust in me. He is like a tree growing near a stream and sending out roots to the water. It is not afraid when hot weather comes, because its leaves stay green; it has no worries when there is no rain; it keeps on bearing fruit. Who can understand the human heart? There is nothing else so deceitful; it is too sick to be healed. I, the Lord, search teh minds and test the hearts of men. I treat each one according to the way he lives, according to what he does."

Thank you Lord for putting me in this situation where I realized how great a PROVIDER you are to those who put their trust in you and you alone. I shall be like that tree near the stream, unafraid of the sun's heat during the summer, because my leaves shall stay green and I shall bear fruits even then. Forgive me for my frailties and my lack of faith. Help my unbelief and make me grow in you always so that I will be able to tell this precious gift you have given me (once again) how you have taken care of me (and all of us) at all times. You have always been my unrecognized refuge and strength. You are the wind beneath my wings. You are my light and my Saviour. You have rescued me too many times and in so many ways, yet why do I still sin? And why do you still love me all the more? Make me more like you so that I will be more fit to mother these little angels (Aleeza and Noah) you have sent our way.

This is God's perfect time and I welcome it in a whole new light. Thank you Beh for being the positive person that you are in my life. To my Nanay and Tatay and Papa who are very supportive of us despite our weaknesses and to our siblings, as well. Thank you to our LMS family. Your friendship is a friendship made in heaven. Life wouldn't be this sweet without you all.

To my little Aleeza who's going to be a big sister, having you has been memorable and sweet. You are a joy to our lives. You give us so much happiness. Daddy and I love you so dearly.

And to our little darling, Noah Cedric. You are precious, you are God's wonderful creation. I will love you more than I love myself. Forgive me for my doubts, I only want to give you a better life. Now I realize that I cannot do so alone even if I work hard and plan it like crazy. Only our God can truly provide you that. All I can ever do is love you and guide you to become the person that you were created for. I am counting the days. I will see you in 8 months, my son. - March 24, 2011

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I love the last line.. My name sure is a simple, yet one great treat, itself! Thanks Tatay! hahaha!

I sing of golden-throned Hera whom Rhea bore. Queen of the immortals is she, surpassing all in beauty: she is the sister and the wife of loud-thundering Zeus, the glorious one whom all the blessed throughout high Olympus reverence and honor even as Zeus who delights in thunder.

Writers represented Hera as constantly being jealous of Zeus's various amorous affairs. She punished her rivals and their children, among both goddesses and mortals, with implacable fury. She placed two serpents in the cradle of Heracles; she had Io guarded by a hundred-eyed giant; she drove the foster-parents of Dionysus mad, and tried to prevent the birth of Apollo and Artemis. Even Zeus usually could not stand up to her. Sometimes when he got angry, he chained her to the mountain of Olympus by fastening anvils to her feet. However, most of the time Zeus resorted to stratagems: he either hid his illegitimate children, or he changed them into animals.

Hera's main sanctuary was at Argos in the Peloponnesus, where she was worshipped as the town goddess. Also, in this town the Heraia, public festivities, were celebrated. Other temples stood in Olympia, Mycene, Sparta, Paestum, Corinth, Tiryns, Perachora, and on the islands of Samos and Delos.

The peacock (the symbol of pride; her wagon was pulled by peacocks) and the cow (she was also known as Bopis, meaning "cow-eyed", which was later translated as "with big eyes") are her sacred animals. The crow and the pomegranate (symbol of marriage) are also dedicated to her. Other attributes include a diadem and a veil. Hera is portrayed as a majestic, solemn woman.

by Micha F. Lindemans

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There was this FB post that says, “Changeyour facebook profile picture to a cartoon from your childhood and invite your friends to do the same. Until Monday(Dec.6) there should be no human faces on facebook, but an invasion of memories. This is for violence against children”, which prompted me to google the first cartoon character from my childhood that came to mind. It was the Smurfs. Those little blue creatures in white turbans that lived in mushroom-like houses were one of my favorites 25 years ago. I used to watch their show with my cousin, Queenie. However, right after I published my new profile pic, my friend Bechay commented on my profile. She told me she also used to like and watch the Smurfs when she was little. Then she asked me about the other cartoon characters when we were kids. The ones with the rainbow. I asked her if she meant the Care Bears or Rainbow Brite.

Rainbow Brite. She was that little girl in pony tail that wore a rainbow painted dress with big shoes to match. I googled up images of her and what magical feelings they evoked in me. It was great to be reminded of that one thing that made childhood such a wonderful memory.... or so it seemed.

Rainbow Brite reminds me of something that had been kept in the corners of my sub-consciousness for so long. Here is the story.

I was, I think in first grade that time when Rainbow Brite was such a big hit. In school, a lot of kids had Rainbow Brite stationeries and sticker books. One day, a vendor came into class and showed a Rainbow Brite Sticker Book. I couldn’t even remember if that vendor was a he or a she. All I can remember was that ultimate desire to own a booklet, which siege me the whole day. The same ultimate desire that led me to lie to my parents --- an act that is haunting me until this very day.

When I got home, I told Tatay and Nanay that the booklet was a class requirement. It cost around P20.00. And at that time, such amount was hard to earn. I could still remember seeing Tatay ramaged through his pockets for coins and Nanay breaking her piggy bank just to come up with P20.00. The next day, I got my very own Rainbow Brite Sticker Book with some free stickers to start with. I felt so happy. I didn’t even remember caring about the disappointed look at my parents face when they saw what kind of booklet I bought.

But now, 23 years after, I feel this heaviness in my heart just thinking about what I’ve done. I wish I could turn back the time and take back that act. I know I should forgive myself. After all, what can one expect from a 6-year old? Still, I feel guilty. And since I may never get rid of that guilty feeling, I chose to be consoled my this thought:

Rainbow Brite proved me how much my parents were willing to go through just to give me the things that I need. She showed me how much I was being loved. 12.01.2010

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I never was a Pacman fanatic—and that, despite being a true-blooded General. I was one of the unpopular few who bet on each of his passed opponents and smirked at his guts when he ran for a mayoral seat in our city. Now, as I watch him on screen, talking about the provincial hospital he plans to put up in the Province of Sarangani, I wonder if I was wrong not to vote for him three years ago. I wonder if Gensan might have been a whole lot different --- and better if it had been him who won.

I must admit that his victory over Antonio Margarito earned my respect and admiration over his skills as a boxer. That last match was the only fight I’ve watched from the very beginning to the last seconds. What’s more surprising was that, it was the only fight that I’ve rooted for him so passionately, I literally felt jitters and held on to my seat at the start of every round. I couldn’t exactly point out what brought about such change of heart. (Maybe it was because I was watching it in the company of non-Pacman fans and their almost scathing remarks on my “kababayan” got through my skin.) My brothers-in law were rooting for Pacman’s lost, claiming that he had finally met his match. I kept telling them that the Pacman couldn’t loose. After all, the whole world is practically praying for his victory (well, save those who were on the Tihuana’s side, my brothers-in law included). And yes, as it turned out, Pacman once again showed everyone he was still a force to reckon with inside the boxing ring. Judging from the way he trained (which was covered and aired several times before the fight), I have expected him to win it. I think those Freddie-Roach-remarks about Manny being distracted and not being at his best during his training were just tactics to deceive the opponent’s camp and to bring the people’s excitement on a higher level.

After the victory, Pacman arrived in the country with a grand welcome. He is now a congressional representative and seeing him in his expensive suit with his all made-up wife, Jinkee at his side, walking down a red carpet amidst flashing cameras and giddy fans, I couldn’t help but think, how in the world was a three-year-older-than-me undergraduate become one of the country’s congressman?! While Manny is rubbing elbows with politicians and famous people, I, who went through college in flying colors, am in the company of debit/credit memos, balancing the day’s transactions—working it out for a bank whose top ranking officials don’t even know I exist. While Manny Pacquiao, a guy who hasn’t even finished secondary school was reading a speech written for him by some unknown person in the congress hall, I, a once-student debater and editor-in-chief of the university’s student publication, am printing the end of day reports. The farthest I could get my articles published is my very own blogsite whose readers is limited to close relatives and friends (even so, they don’t even bother to check for updates until I tell them to do so). While Manny earns millions from endorsements, I have to work 8 hours a day, 5 days a week just to support my daughter’s monthly expense on formula and diapers. Life couldn’t get more ironic than that huh?! But wait!....While Jinkee Pacquiao lavishes on her diamonds and ultra-chic designer clothes, I, a once-beauty pageant finalist, settles down on cheaper online fashion dresses and fancy jewelry. Jinkee now graces magazine covers and huge tarpaulins, while the farthest my pictures get to be in print are our family albums, which are rarely seen and neatly stacked in our cabinets. I can laugh at this irony. But I couldn’t. Realty bites, don’t’ they say so? Come to think of it, I suddenly am beginning to realize that Manny Pacquiao’s unpopularity inside my heart is cause by my own selfish pride and no doubt, envy. I guess that I have viewed Manny (and his whole family) as inferior because of the scarcity of his educational attainment. It was hard for me to accept that “someone” like him could get as far as he has. He doesn’t have the right diction. He couldn’t even come up with a single flawless statement in English. I have always thought that those who are wealthy --- those who get rich and famous should be good in diction and pronunciation. They should be smart and fluent speakers. They shouldn’t be Manny Pacquiao or Jinkee or Dionisia. As I watched Noli De Castro interviewed Manny, a voice inside me taunted, --- “You are damn wrong, baby. Undergrads and non-eloquent people could get rich and famous too. Heck, they could even become politicians… look at that man on TV!”

I am aware that despite Manny’s popularity, there are still so many people, most of them Filipinos, who feel the same way I do. We laugh at Manny’s speech defects and Dionisia’s lack of elegance and grace. But come to think of it, if one just listens to their answers on the questions hurled at them by experienced journalist and showbiz hosts, I say that despite their handicap, the Pacquiaos are at their best – and that is, being just the way they are. No pretenses. No airs. Call me blinded by my newfound empathy towards them, but they are to me, a picture of truth in the midst of fallacies and conspiracies in our politics and show business. I know Manny is being truthful when he said he wanted to help the people in his district. I know he meant it when he said he would offer help to the Filipino athletes. I know he was speaking from his heart when he said he was against the Reproductive Health Bill. Call me mushy but he struck a cord in me when he said he doesn’t want his kids to do boxing, knowing how hard it was for him to get where he is now and knowing that not everyone gets to be as lucky as he is. That was spoken as a father, and though grudgingly, I admit that it made me see him in a whole new light. The Pacman does have a heart… and it beats just like mine. It beats for the common people. It believes in the abilities of every Filipino athlete. It has high regards for what is moral. It loves those who have been there ever since. ----- And all that, even without a college diploma to boast of.

I still have my doubts over Pacman’s ability to get everything he promised done for the people of Sarangani, though. But who knows, maybe one day, I’ll wake up with a whole new perspective on him as a public servant. For the mean time, I will just have to be content that I have finally changed my perspective on him as a boxer… --- and most of all, as a person. 11.26.2010

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general santos
i'm just me. simple yet unique me.

writing has always been my passion. this is how i express myself. this is the best way i can express myself. hope you'll have a good read and in the process,get even just a small glimpse of ME. thanks for dropping by. - yeng

Yobz Duka

Yobz Duka
... the love of my life... the one i love for eternity...

Quotable Quote

Leave some room for SERENDIPITY in your life.
The world is full of things You and I haven't dreamt of.

Waiting All My Life

Rascal Flatts - Waiting All My Life .mp3
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My Wish

Rascal Flatts - My Wish .mp3
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