The Subic Experience...
The trip to subic was quite long.
There weren't much to see along the express way except for vacant land, rice farms, and bridges.
The vastness of it made me think about the homeless people of the metropolitan.
Those who had no choice but to stay in small dilapidated shacks along the river banks...
There's just too much land to accomodate them in there...
We reached Subic an hour before lunch.
It was another long trip towards the Ocean Adventure Park.
We passed through a long stretch of tree-lined highway.
And about a couple of times, a monkey crossed our path.
They said monkeys are free to roam around the area.
It was amazing. I was so used to seeing monkeys tied to trees.
We had our quick lunch at the parking area of the Ocean Adventure Park.
It was a sumptuous lunch of Pork and Chicken Adobo, Kinilaw, and Rice. Yum!
The Entrance fee to the park cost us P450 each.
We get to see the American Sea Lion Show first.
The stars were Brandy and Madison.
Two female Sea Lions who were senior members of the Marine Patrol.
It was an entertaining show. The Sea Lions were great!
Then, the Dolphin Show.
It was just awesome.
I wish I could go back there and experience swimming with the gentle giants of the sea.
I especially like the part when both the dolphin and its trainer made a perfect dive into the sea.
I hope Aleeza Erelah will be able to experience the thrill that I felt on that day.
I pray that her daddy and I will be able to provide for her the opportunity to see this really wonderful show...
I pray that she will find friends like mine, whom she will really enjoy going out with.
After the Dolphin Show, we lingered for awhile then we went to the Zoobic Park.
There we saw several kinds of animals... Tigers, Camels, Bear Cats, Ostrich, Rodents, Monkeys, and many more...
There we saw several kinds of animals... Tigers, Camels, Bear Cats, Ostrich, Rodents, Monkeys, and many more...
Part of the trail we followed were the animal museum, tiger safari, croco park, and the aeta village...
The main attraction were the Tigers...
There were several of them...
The Tiger Safari was quite disappointing, though.
Entrance fee was at P395 each plus P50 per head if one chooses to ride the train-coaster around the park.
The Zoobic PArk Tour took us about a couple of hours...
We went to Duty Free after that.
We had our dinner at the Boardwalk (it's a park along the shores of Subic).
Then we headed back to Manila.
It was a silent dark trip... Well, until that last toll gate anyway...
Please read the Friendship Report link of this page so you will know what happened. ;-)
Well, all in all, the Subic Trip was another unforgettable experience.
A lot came out of that trip...
Several Bloopers. Lots of lost-in-Manila moments. Textmate...New taglines...
And most of all, a stronger bond among individuals who have chosen to keep the friendship all through the years...
Aaahh...Truly, life offers so many simple yet amazing treats...
One of them --- FRIENDS.
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