Sentiments of a 25-year old Single...

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I wrote this last May 25, 2005: I find this very amusing... ;-)
What is it about being 25 and being single (not even a single suitor) that makes people (especially elder relatives like titas and titos you haven’t seen for ages) turn to you and say, WHAT? Baka masyadong mataas ang standards mo?!. Duh? As if I have standards! Honestly, it’s crazy why people seem to think that being 25 and not having a boyfriend is a sign of spinstership. Married and attached officemates usually give us the look of pure concern and, (goodness, I hope I’m mistaken) is it pity, each time we, the singles and unattached would group together. They’d tell us to stop huddling together like little chicks and start socializing with other people outside of our circle because according to them, going out on an all-single-female date most of the time will do us no good. But is it really? I mean, since I started working with my present employer, I’ve always been in the company of girls and I never ever (not a single minute) found myself bored with the company. For the last three years that we girls had been together, we’ve talked about the same thing. (gosh! Would you ever guess what?!) LOVE & RELATIONSHIPS…that’s what we always end up talking about when we get together….but even if the topic had been around for ages, we never got tired of it. The conversation is always interesting and mind you, we even could stay up until the wee hours just sharing insights and opinions. What is it about LOVE that makes composer come up with billions of love songs and makes poets compose trillions of phrases? What is it about love that makes people cry and do crazy stuff just for the sake of a loved-one? I haven’t figured it out yet. I’m 25 and yet it’s still a mystery to me. I’ve been inlove. I’ve been hurt. I’ve been happy. I have cried. And yet,…whatever!!! ;-)

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Yobz Duka

Yobz Duka
... the love of my life... the one i love for eternity...

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Leave some room for SERENDIPITY in your life.
The world is full of things You and I haven't dreamt of.

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