My Bestfriend's Wedding

Thoughts of a Disillusioned Spirit
….Not even me.
An Ode For Mama: Dedicated to the Late Salome Duka
By: Bim Duka 05.03.2006
Posted without Permission by yours truly...
A wise old proverb said that God created mothers because He could not be everywhere.
And knowing Mama, I have to believe that the proverb is true.
If there was a blessing that came to us from above
There’s never been any question…
- from our first attempts at walking on through every step of the way-
…what it was.
If there was a gift that God gave to our family
There’s never been any doubt
- from the first smile on our faces when we see the radiant beauty of our mother-
…what it was.
My siblings and I often talked about your selflessness.
You were so committed of being a mother to us, that we think that the most difficult commitment to pursue as more often than not, for it requires much more giving than receiving.
The rewards of this commitment seem to be so very few,
And the demands so very great.
Oftentimes, my siblings and I were so caught up in our own lives that we fail to realize that we were never always in any emotion.
For each moment of joy we experienced, there was your laughter that heavens may have heard as your way of thanking God for the blessings He has given to us, your children.
Behind each tear shed and each hurt felt,
There is a silent tear and a silent hurt deep inside your heart.
I can still vividly recall your comforting presence,
And the words you said.
It’s strange that these silent emotions were never readily apparent.
But they were always behind your words of encouragement, wisdom, understanding, and faith
That there will be a better tomorrow awaiting for me.
Mother, we also have silent emotions, but every success we have in life we offer to you and papa.
You will always be with us,
To all the people who love you
The memories will always be there
But your true legacies in this world
Are the good things you have done
And us your children….
Sentiments of a 25-year old Single...
Just Being Melodramatic...written June 4, 2008
Boboy misplaced the van’s registration papers.
One of the many…
He almost always misplaced things.
Insignificant – sometimes important – things.
From flashlights…MP3 players…CDs… Cable wires…
To his car keys… his favorite shirt… even his briefs…
And well, who’s there to ask of their whereabouts?...
Though sometimes it’s annoying, most of the time, it is amusing.
And it makes me feel like a wife.
You are a wife… I heard that….
But you see, we don’t live together everyday. Economics dictate it.
We do try to see each other and be together as often as we could.
Sometimes, I wish I’m an heiress to a multi national company... . Or just plain wealthy…
So I don’t have to work my butt off and just play wife to him.
Cook for him…run his household,,,, listen to his stories… tell him about my day and watch him make faces each time I say something outrageous or childish…
Hear him laugh…See him smile…
Just be there to snap him out of his thoughts.
He sometimes lapse into silence--- staring up to nowhere… as if in deep thoughts…
Oftentimes it hurts… especially at times when I’m into my litany of stories ---and he just sits there as if I’m invisible.
It felt good to know that my officemates’ husbands also have their lapse – into – silence moments… (the advantage of lunch break chika sessions)
Tonight he’s not here…
And the bed seems to be too large for me.
The room too big…there seem to be a lot of space here for one.
And the pillows! --- they are all over the bed.
I miss him now. I wish he’s here…
It’s raining outside...
I wish I could open the sliding doors wide enough to let the cold wind in… but I’m scared something might get in – a beetle bug or a frog, perhaps - and Boboy’s not here to take care of it.
And it looks like a downpour out there…I might get the bed wet…
Hah! The rain is over…
And so does this melodrama… I got to sleep.
I love you ,beh.
Work Sentiments: Written on May 27, 2005
What a sad fate. My four years at the academe never mentioned anything about this. Not even a thing close to this. I’ve always thought that praying for a job was enough. But only now did I realize the importance of praying not only for a job but everything that comes with it. Salary, benefits, workmates, workplace, nature of the job, even the job schedule itself because in the end, having a job is not at all everything. It’s just icing on the cake. There are a lot more to consider than just getting yourself hired.
Three of my officemates have already submitted their resignation letters to the HR department and two weeks from now, this office will be three persons short in numbers, which means, a big increase in the loads of those who will be left, is something we should look forward to (argh! Oh please!)....
About Me
writing has always been my passion. this is how i express myself. this is the best way i can express myself. hope you'll have a good read and in the process,get even just a small glimpse of ME. thanks for dropping by. - yeng
Yobz Duka
... the love of my life... the one i love for eternity...
Quotable Quote
The world is full of things You and I haven't dreamt of.
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