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It's tuesday. August 31, 2010. Got inside the office at 7:43am. Very early for a latecomer like me. There's nobody in yet. The Regional office is like a ghost town. AT 2:34am, Boboy left for davao. It had been one of those moments when he would be at home the day before and then leave for work at dawn the following day. I don't know when this routine would end. I don't know when my prayer and wish would be granted. I just hope it would be soon enough.

This is one of those times when I wish I am rich enough to support our family. Rich enough for both of us not to work far away from each other. *sigh.

I have to get to work. *agh!

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general santos
i'm just me. simple yet unique me.

writing has always been my passion. this is how i express myself. this is the best way i can express myself. hope you'll have a good read and in the process,get even just a small glimpse of ME. thanks for dropping by. - yeng

Yobz Duka

Yobz Duka
... the love of my life... the one i love for eternity...

Quotable Quote

Leave some room for SERENDIPITY in your life.
The world is full of things You and I haven't dreamt of.

Waiting All My Life

Rascal Flatts - Waiting All My Life .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

My Wish

Rascal Flatts - My Wish .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine


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