The Blind Man

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The bible is full of stories about blind people... But perhaps, the one that amazed me was Bartimaeus... The blind man in last sunday's gospel.

According to Mark, Bartimaeus, when asked by Jesus, "What can I do for you?" answered straightforwardly, "Master, I want to see." (Mark 10:51)

I can just imagine the crowd's reaction to that request. Perhaps, most of them smirked at such an impossible statement. A blind man, asking a carpenter's son for his sight?! Impossible...

But there was Bartimaeus, unable to see for so long... Begging at the streets... Unloved... He just heard about Jesus. He has no image of him.. Probably, the things that he heard about him were just bits and pieces he had overheard from passerbys.. for who would ever give a blind man his time of day?... and yet, with all faith, he shouted for help despite rebuke frompeople around him..and asked Jesus of what most people consider as an impossible task. I can imagine how Jesus must have looked at him... with a smile and love lighting up his holy face as he told him, "Go, your faith has saved you."

That was what touched me the most about this gospel. The blind man and his unwavering faith. How I wish I could have even just a morsel of that faith. So my Jesus will look at me and say, " Go, your faith has saved you."

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